Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Airing Our Dirty Laundry

I've really struggled over whether I should write about this.  This isn't going to be a funny one, folks.

When I started this blog, it was a totally anonymous place to vent because nobody knew about it.  Now that people read it, I feel so much love and support.  Hey, it's not just me!  I love the feeling of making others feel less alone.  This has led to a that people I know read this, should I edit myself?

I try to laugh and keep things light around here, but we're dealing with some dark, effed up stuff I have yet to mention.

To put it simply, my son's godparents refuse to have a relationship with him.

Two and a half years ago, my son pushed their son, and that was that.  No more holidays together.  Sunday dinners ended.  They will no longer allow their son to be in the same room as my kid.  My son is autistic and therefore a danger to their child.

At first, I couldn't believe it.  I thought I was reading too much into the sudden illnesses and cancellations that prevented them from joining us.  But I wasn't imagining things. My sister-in-law won't have her son at a family event where my son is present, and my brother-in-law goes along to keep the peace.

And listen, I understand their concerns.  My nephew is a little guy and my boy is big.  Their boy wasn't hurt, but we didn't take this lightly.  I've been the mother of the pusher and the mother of the pushee, and believe me, it's much easier to be the mother of the pushee.

I understand the need to be cautious, but how can people cut a child out of their lives?  I've been so full of anger and hurt and how-could-yous, but I've kept it all inside for a long, long time.  As upset as I felt, I kept quiet because my kids didn't know.

They know now.  The other day my husband was supposed to stop by my in-laws' house with the kids, but his brother called and told him not to come over since they were already there with our nephew.  My older son has suspected for a while that his aunt is not exactly accepting of his brother, but now he knows for sure.  He seems hurt and angry and I don't blame him.   

We had to remove their pictures from our home because our little boy would just carry them around and ask to see his cousin.  How do you tell a seven year-old autistic boy that he's not allowed to see his cousin because of something he did when he was four?

I've heard of people who've ended friendships when their friends were not accepting of autism.  What do you do when it's family?  I think my older son put it best when he asked, "How can we expect strangers to be understanding if his own aunt and uncle won't see him?"

How can I possibly shield my children from this? 

I'm beyond caring who's to blame.  It may have been my sister-in-law that put up this wall, but my brother-in-law was handing her the bricks.  By taking the path of least resistance, he allowed this to put a strain on the whole family.  My in-laws are heartsick, hurt, and frustrated.  My husband feels betrayed, and my boys' hearts are broken.

That is one thing I will not abide.  Nobody fucks with my kids.

My husband will do what he thinks is right and I will honor his decisions because it's his brother we're talking about.  But me?  I won't be speaking to them until she grows a heart and he grows some balls.

So, like, never.

And why write this now?  Because words are all I have.  My words won't do anything to change their behavior.  My words won't take away my little boy's confusion or my big boy's bitter disappointment.  My words will likely piss off a lot of people.  I'm doing it because this happened to us and I know we're not the only ones.  I'm writing this for the same reason I've always written--to know that I'm not alone in this.  You're not alone in this.  If you've been rejected by family or friends, I'm standing with you.  And if anyone dares to tell you that your kid isn't good enough, I've got two words for you:

Fuck 'em.


  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  2. As someone who knows all too well about the betrayal of family, (my NT daughter's Godmother is effing my husband:), I can only tell you that you can't shield your kids from ignorance. They will face it, and all we can do is to teach them to rise above. I try my best to teach my girl that we should pity those who are too closed minded to recognize the beautiful soul in our boy. They will never know the joy of loving him. I'm sorry your SIL is such an ass. And I'm sorry your BIL is a gelding. The kids will follow your example. Make it a great one:) And girl chose a new Godmother, and she couldn't be happier.

  3. Thanks for sharing-many of us have been there too! the crazy thing is that we expect our families to be MORE supportive not less and they often let us down. Fuck em'

  4. Did my comment not post? Damn, I said some smart stuff about that ignorant woman Kate!!!!!!!

  5. Same thing happened to me Tina. Dammit!

  6. And my dear friend Effin. I give you mad props!

  7. Thank you for your love and support, everyone! I am blessed with a wonderful cyber-family who understands!

  8. Oh wow! That's crazy! Show of hands..... how many of us know a NT kid that pushed his cousin? That NEVER happens! Sheesh.
    My nephew (11 months younger than my son) was told that lZach was retarded and he could catch it" by my ex-SIL. Crazy bitch. Thankfully C told his Oma (my mom) and we explained that Zach has autism, that C can't catch it, and that Z really looks up to him to teach him cool stuff. They're great pals now.
    When they were 4 and 5, my nephew bit my son. Kid stuff. Would we have thought about keeping Zach from knowing his cousin, whom he adores? No. Again, sheesh. I'm sorry for what you are going through. Someone who is an adult needs to sit down with your childish BIL /SIL and explain life.

  9. Oh wow! That's crazy! Show of hands..... how many of us know a NT kid that pushed his cousin? That NEVER happens! Sheesh.
    My nephew (11 months younger than my son) was told that lZach was retarded and he could catch it" by my ex-SIL. Crazy bitch. Thankfully C told his Oma (my mom) and we explained that Zach has autism, that C can't catch it, and that Z really looks up to him to teach him cool stuff. They're great pals now.
    When they were 4 and 5, my nephew bit my son. Kid stuff. Would we have thought about keeping Zach from knowing his cousin, whom he adores? No. Again, sheesh. I'm sorry for what you are going through. Someone who is an adult needs to sit down with your childish BIL /SIL and explain life.

  10. This is so important. The isolation autism can bring is huge.

  11. That is disgusting and awful. And so sad that your kids have to see that kind of behavior in adults. I'm really sorry!

  12. Some people are just not needed in your life!
    If people can't be kind and treat all of your family respectfully then keep away.
    With time they may come round but probably not!
    We are here for you

  13. I'm sorry you have to go through this, and that your sweet boy is suffering from it.

    We haven't experienced anything on this level of awful, but my son is regularly slighted by relatives. My sister's two kids spend tons of time with my step-mother; he's not invited. He didn't get a present from my brother until he was 13. He was the only child not part of my stepsister's wedding (and he adores weddings.) To be fair, my stepmother always sends birthday and Christmas gifts, and my sister was kind and wonderful enough to give him a small role in my niece's bat mitzvah. I don't think he's yet noticed how left out he is, and I hope he never will.

  14. From the perspective of feeling as if you may have to "edit" yourself now that you know people are reading... I totally understand. My blog is still in it's infancy but as I share posts on social media outlets (to gain awareness) I often find myself being careful of what I write. My most recent post I found myself censoring the hell out of. It was regarding a similar topic... the fact that many of my son's "old" friends have disappeared since his diagnosis (and the fact that I believe their parents are the reason). I didn't say all the things I really WANTED to because, even though it was a post to vent about the situation, I knew those kids parents may see the post and read it once I had shared it on Facebook. If they did, they didn't say anything. If they didn't, well they honestly should have. In the time since I posted it I've re-read it a few times and said to myself "I should've mentioned XYZ" but it's too late now. Either way, I've come out of it regretting that I didn't say what I meant. Here's hoping I can be more like you and have the courage to vent and not care who reads it!

  15. I'm late to the party, but I feel you on this. My family has clash of the illness vertigo and autism. The stimming sets off the vertigo, so we're just not welcome at the gparents' house. Whatevs.

    I'm giving a testimony about Dr. WILLIAMS for the great deed he have done for my family, he has
    the natural cure to autism, he cured my son from autism ,
    though I went through different website I saw a testimonies about this
    Dr Williams, I was like: 'Dr Williams have the autism cure why are
    people still suffering from it?' I thought of it, then I contact Dr Williams, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about my son, then I sent them to him, he prepared the (CURE) and sent it to me through Courier Service he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 1-3 days I will receive the package and my son took the medicine as prescribed by Dr Williams and i took my son for check-up 1 week after finishing the medicine, then the autism was not there anymore, if you are suffering from autism you can also contact him on his via email address: for his help.

  17. Paul Stamets, Suzanne Simard, Michael Pollan, Josep Mª Fericgla,
    Valentina Pavlovna Wasson

    con la ingestion de enteogenos, el cerebro puede explorar vias neuronales alternativas, para un autista, esto le abre posibilidades y agrega habilidades neurotipicas, para un neurotipico, esto le agrega habilidades autisticas

    teoria-de-la-mente: actividades de la vista periferica ayudan los autistas de todos tipos

    La naturaleza psicodélica de la psilocibina se ha disfrutado durante miles de años en todo el mundo. Sus compuestos, al igual que otros alimentos, son el alimento natural del sistema nervioso de los mamiferos. Estos compuesto incrementan la eficiencia de la vista periferica y el proceso de la senal visual en el cerebro ( neuronas oculares bastones )
    Otras investigaciones indican que la psilocibina, la principal sustancia psicodélica de las setas mágicas, puede ayudar con el tratamiento del TOC.

    " removed many aspects of autism and literally fixed my brain!"
    Part 1: Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) and Aspergers Syndrome – Life changing

    What follows below is a journal of my progress & experiments in Psychedelic Therapy. I’ll update this post as I make further progress.
    TL;DR: I removed many aspects of autism and literally fixed my brain! I can now understand emotions & social interaction, eliminated depression, and now actually have a future.
    Read below! Or skip to the List of changes!

    My daughter suffered from autism for more than 2 years which we started experiencing in her when she turned 1 year and 5 months we all thought it will end but got even worse as days went by. We tried all several treatments and therapy prescribed by various doctors we met but to no avail, she lost total concentration and always complain of sensitivity to sound . She usually tells me she haves poor eyes contact. This were steady disorder that disrupted her entire life, even at night she slept less because of this.It was during a casual conversation with a friend that i learned about Dr Williams herbal medicine I was able to contact him on his email address. and give him all the necessary information that he needed,few day later he sent me the herbal portion and his medicine was able to restore her back to normal and she is very okay now without any side effects whatsoever. If you have autism, do not hesitate to contact him on for advice and for his product. I hope this also helps someone out there

  19. I am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic autism ,since i was bone , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this illness was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 31 years, this was really a terrible ailment ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how his son was been cured from autism through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine, i used it 1 months and two weeks as prescribed by Dr Williams and i was totally cured within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign or characteristics again . for more information you can email him on for help.

    I'm giving a testimony about Dr. WILLIAMS for the great deed he have done for my family, he has
    the natural cure to autism, he cured my 7 years old son from autism ,
    I went through different website where I saw a testimonies about this great Dr Williams, I was like: 'Dr Williams have the autism cure why are
    people still suffering from it?' I thought of it, then I contact Dr Williams, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about my son, then I sent them to him, he prepared the (CURE) and sent it to me through Courier Service and he also give me details to the Courier Office, that i will receive the medicine between 1-3 working days,after getting the medicine from the delivering company my son started using the medicine as prescribed by Dr Williams and i took my son for check-up 1 month after finishing the medicine, then the doctor confirmed that my son is now autism free, if you are suffering from autism you can also contact him on his email address: for his help.

  21. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
    Dementia.(measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria)
    Hpv,All Cancer Types,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on / even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.

    I was always praying to have a testimony when ever i saw people sharing their own testimonies which really took me years but today i am the happiest father on earth.My son suffered autism for 5 years, after taken different kind of western medication without been cured.All these years my son have been abnormal but today he is been cured.and you do not know how i feel having my son back to normal because it was not really easy for me having just two son and one been abnormal.I took time to search the internet which i found a lot of people thanking Dr. Williams concerning the same problem and i discussed it with my wife and she agreed will should give a try so we order his product which my son took for 28 days and he is very much okay now.I will advise you to stop wasting time on all these western medicine because they only work for some times and the problem bounce back again.Contact for advice and for his product and be the next to give your testimony.

  23. This happened to us recently. No more family dinners or get togethers or birthdays here at my house or with all the family together anywhere. My niece has not asked me to babysit her son who I spent a summer with as aunt Nanny and developed a close relationship with --he's like my grandbaby. My mom is so sad. My boys are like yours, and young men now. But one act of aggression (toddler crying is a trigger) sent it all down the toilet. My heart was (and still is) broken. I cried for days. --As I type I'm crying, three months later-- My husband is furious.
    I'm so glad I'm not alone. I know they're scared and he was scary, and thier guy is so little and first time toddler parents are constantly worried. But that was my little guy and I know he misses me. My son can't help that he has PTSD or Autism. He would be so hurt if he knew.
    Thank you for this old post. It means a lot. Did it ever resolve for you?
